Sunday School
Mt. Tirzah offers two Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings at 10 am.
Our children’s class is taught by members of our congregation and each week the children are encouraged in their relationship with God through life and scripture lessons, games, art, music, and crafts. This class is specifically geared to our elementary-aged children.
Our Adult Sunday school class offers relevant and timely Bible studies throughout the year through scripture series, video lessons, and book studies. All adults are invited and encouraged to participate in this discipleship opportunity.
Children and Family Ministries
Throughout the year our church host special events for children and their families to attend!
Sunday afternoons from 3-5 children in elementary school are invited to kid’s club at New Brook UMC as part of our Co-op ministry with other UM Churches in Person County.
VBS 2024
Coming up Late Spring -Early Summer
Special Events: 
Our special events include Back to School Blessing & Trunk-or-Treat in the Fall, a Christmas Variety Show in December, and an Easter-Egg Hunt in the Spring.
These events offer something special for the entire family and are our gifts to the community we live in and serve.
Our youth group meets on some Sundays on our church grounds, throughout the school year from 3-5 pm for fellowship, learning, and fun.
Throughout the year we enjoy each other’s company at special events such as Pilgrimage (a North Carolina Conference-UMYF event), fun outings and retreats.
We give back to our community through local missions and by hosting events for children and families.
Ministries Beyond our walls-
Mt. Tirzah UMC strives to reach out to all those in need around us. In order to do this, we have several different ministries that we lead or take part in, and we have partnered with several other local churches so that we may all be in ministry together. Some of the ministries we are involved with include:
Backpack Pals & Christian Help Center
Person United Methodist Parishes
And many more.